jueves, 16 de marzo de 2023

SUPERFOODS. By Alejandra Mendoza Yáñez

Do you know what are some of the things your brain needs to work properly? or do you know how just changing those afternoon chips for some nuts can affect more of what you think?

Well let me present to you the famous “superfoods”, these are not any kind of food, these are special because they are super good for your health. Each of these brings you curative properties, and helps you prevent any illness; they can help with all of this because they grant a great number of micronutrients.

Here are some examples of some superfoods you might even already consume, and if not maybe add them to your list;

  • honey: probably my favorite because of the sweetness, plus it contains lots of vitamins and there are some creams with it that help a lot to your skin.

  • Dark chocolate: if it has more cacao, it will help with your blood pressure.

  • Kale: full of fiber, and vitamins and I can’t think of something more nutritious than this vegetable.

These are just 3 of the lots of them, so I can recommend you to look it up and see the changes in your life by making it a real variation of tastes.

Super Foods. By Cristina Fernandez Maciel


well, I’m going to talk about superfoods, what is a superfood? It is defined as “a good food that is rich in compounds considered beneficial to a person’s health”.

Healthy eating helps to maintain or improve overall health.

It is important to consume a balanced diet, consisting of certain nutrients, such as liquids, adequate proteins, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and calories. Eat fruits, salad, milk, green leafy vegetables, yogurt, etc. 

Only eating fresh, well-washed and most important well-cooked articles which are from dust and flies. Or fried foods and foods containing excess fat, spices, and chilies are harmful.

Another point is about the routines or things that are used to do. Roadside eating should be avoided, we should take our food in the right quantity, and take the last meal two or three hours before bed. There should be a good time gap between two meals so that the food gets digested in our stomachs.

In conclusion, superfoods are the most recommended way of eating, to be healthy and to reach that you have to combine it with eating not more than six meals a day or give your stomach time to do the digestion, and so many other things. Superfood is always the best option!!!

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2023

SUPERFOODS. By Regina Campos Garcia


Let’s change our diet!

Today, I’ll be talking about superfoods, their benefits, and some examples. To begin with, let’s talk about what they’re and what their benefits are.

Superfoods are described as nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. Some of the benefits that consuming them may include being: helping your body ward off diseases and keep you healthier. When incorporated into a well-balanced diet these foods can promote heart health, and weight loss, improve energy levels and they may reduce the effects of aging.

Some examples of superfoods that you could buy on daily basis are: Berries, high in fiber, naturally sweet, and high in antioxidants and disease-fighting nutrients; Fish, a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids; Leafy greens, a good source of vitamins A, vitamin C, and calcium; Nuts, a good source of plant protein and they help reduce the risk of heart disease.

In conclusion, superfoods are super good for your health and the benefits of eating them are definitely worth it.

Super Foods. By Diego Herrera.

 Superfoods: A step to a healthier life

Do you like Fish? Fish is a dish people usually enjoy eating but did you know it’s considered as


Superfoods are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & other beneficial compounds that

promote an optimally healthy body.

Superfoods offer a large list of benefits due to their high nutrient content:

 Reduce Inflammation: Some superfoods contain antioxidants that help to reduce

inflammation in the body.

 Stronger Immune System: Certain superfoods are rich in Vitamin C, which is essential for a

strong immune system.

 Increase of Energy

 Improve brain function.

Superfoods are generally easy to incorporate into our diet, for example:

 Berries/You can add them to your morning smoothie

 Nuts & Seeds/Snack

 Leafy Greens/Add them to your salad

 Dark Chocolate

Superfoods should be part of a well-rounded, balanced diet that includes plenty of healthy food

such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, etc.

Go ahead and try superfoods, but make sure you are taking care of the basics.

What's The Difference Between Various Nuts And Seeds?

The 8 Healthiest Berries You Can Eat

martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

Super Foods. By Amber Bertens

 Super Foods

Did you know that salmon can reduce the risk of heart disease? This and many other foods called ‘’super foods’’ are actually really beneficial for our bodies.

Super foods are amazing for us since lots of them are high in omegas 3 and 6, they also make our brains stronger and healthier if we have a healthy and balanced diet which includes different kinds of super foods. They can also help your body ward off diseases, promote heart health, weight loss, etc.

Some examples of super foods are: berries, green tea, eggs, legumes, etc. These are all good and you should include them in your diet since they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

I would really recommend based on a video that I’ve watched and things I investigated, that you eat a mix of everything. If you focus on having a balanced diet with foods that are high in proteins, omegas, etc., you’ll be a really healthy person and you’ll be less prone to getting diseases.

Technological Cities. By Valeria Vanegas Camarena.

Many people don't have the luck or the money to buy expensive technology, so cities are helping all people by making cities more accessible to all kinds of people.

Technological adaptations allow people with

disabilities to be included in jobs from which

they were previously excluded. These technologies

and adaptations are reducing the difficulties

derive from a lack of mobility, hearing, or vision,

enabling people with disabilities to use their

potential to work or do what they like.

New technologies have not only favored the labor

inclusion of people with disabilities but have also

been an important factor in society and have

helped create more favorable environments for the


It is also important to mention that people who

have used this technology have said that it has

helped them to do things that they could not do

before and it is easier for them, it is also

important to mention that some people with

disabilities have very good jobs.

The conclusion is that in all the cities of the

world, they should implement this technology to be

able to help people who need it and to be able to

make things a little easier. It is also important

that this technology is not so expensive because

there are people who do not have the resources

to pay for something so expensive that people

can do all the things, like working, etc.

Sign Language. By Cristobal Sosa Pech

The world is not perfect and that is why there are people like the deaf, they have existed forever and ever, so you have to learn to interact with them, they can learn to read lips but that is not enough, fortunately, there is the option of signs

Sign language is a great solution but it has several drawbacks in daily life, things like frustration or incompatibility, since when the message is not understood, frustration can be felt, and even deny communication or the fact that each country has its own signs then You cannot communicate with everyone in the world or they simply do not know how to use the language, then there is the desire, if one is not really interested in communication it will be impossible, patience is very important

But despite everything I believed that the advantages are much greater than the disadvantages, it will always be clearer to write the message but with signs, you can say something anywhere regardless of the situation, they can also be integrated, the deaf tend to remain locked in their bubble for their condition, they distance themselves from their friends and acquaintances, once they have learned to talk to them they can return to their social life and even be in group conversations but it is very important to be willing to cooperate and understand that it is not easy for anyone, that is the most important thing of everything without patience or those who listen can speak

I hope that more and more people learn to use this language in order to help improve the lives of the deaf, which can become very gray and lonely without support. Being able to bring light back to someone's life is something noble, you could meet more deaf people than you think so keep this in mind "everything that the human being desires is possible in this world"

Rogers hall, an Inclusive School. By Celeste Silva Ferro.

I am going to talk about the advantages of going to Rogers Hall if you have a disability. Because I think it is an inclusive school for those people.

I believe Rogers Hall is an inclusive school because of the design of how it is built with ramps, a bathroom, and the way the school is organized and the teachers help you with everything you need

The students in Rogers Hall are inclusive of people with disabilities.

They try to include everyone and also in the work we have to do we always

try to do it in groups and if one kid needs special help he has his own tutor.

I think Rogers Hall is a good school to be studying in, no matter if you have a disability or not.

Is Merida Accessible for People with Disabilities? By Maria Teresa Morales Aranda.

Merida is well known for being the safest city in the country for all kinds of people, but I had never thought about how accessible it was for people with some kind of disability and I disagree with my point of view, I feel that you still have a long way to go to achieve be the most accessible for people with some type of disability but I feel that every day we progress more in that.

The other day watching the news I found that they have implemented trucks with a ramp and a suitable and spacious place for people with disabilities also in the new plazas and Restaurants you will always see ramps for the disabled but although this is already great progress I feel that it is still not enough for example in cinemas in museums in restaurants on Paseo de Montejo in bathrooms in public spaces schools, there is still a lot to improve but I am sure that it will

So far I agree with everything that has been implemented. I feel that they are paying more attention to the aspect of being and including inclusive facilities so that everyone can live as they normally would. I feel that we are progressing quite well but that we still need to implement more things, but I feel that little by little we are going to achieve this to give the best lifestyle to people with some type of disability

Technology as a way to make cities more accessible. By Diego Herrera Esquivel.

The use of technology can help to make cities more accessible or would it be complicated? 

Technology is part of the future of humanity it has helped to reach many objectives and learn about new things but can it help in this case?

Technology has been introduced to certain cities for helping disabled people to cross the street easier with the traffic light sounds, to help you walk if you don't have a leg try a robot leg, and all-terrain wheelchairs for people to travel and have normal experiences

But not all is good and easy for the use of technology to make cities more accessible, the building of these products and technology can bring two main problems the increase of pollution because of the trash and materials it produces and need to be made and the use of energy for all of this gadgets.

Talking about gadgets they can be very expensive so not many disabled people could manage to buy one they need.

Also, this technology is going to take a long time to arrive in some countries because of the building it entails, and the exportation of the gadgets

In conclusion, I think technology is going to bring new options and ways for cities and businesses to help disabled people and make the cities more accessible

Is Rogers hall an Accessible School for People with Disabilities? By Nicolás Gonzalez Herrera.


Many people study or have studied in Rogers Hall, a great school with a caring community. But after some years of studying there, I asked myself one simple question and noticed lots of things

Is Rogers Hall an accessible school for people with disabilities? It is…but to a certain extent. Let me explain.

Rogers hall has few accessible thins but some of them have problems or disadvantages for example, Rogers Hall has a lot of stairs in many areas of the school, and to help people in wheelchairs they made it so there's a ramp next to those stairs, Good so far. But teres some areas that dont have ramps. To get to the school library you need to go up lots of stairs you might think teres probably a ramp there but there isn't, the same thing happens with the school's theater and some other places, it’s these small problems that make you doubt if Rogers Hall is really an accessible school.

But to make up for those problems, Rogers Hall also has other accessible things like handicapped bathroom stalls, and a lot of helpers for people with disabilities and they always make sure to treat everybody the same, another amazing example I show they celebrate a unique day called “down síndrome day” where they raise money and teach about it. The school has lots of people with this síndrome and they make sure to give the same opportunities, respect, and education as everybody else. And that’s super nice and kind

So in conclusion, Rogers Hall tries their best to be the greatest accessible school out there, yes they have some flaws are and there but it’s only a matter of time before they fix them.

Is Rogers Hall an Accessible School? By Cristina Fernandez Maciel

Rogers Hall Peninsular College, a development center with a high degree of commitment to the development of its students and its community, is a school with open doors.

But what about the accessibility for students with disabilities?

Well that’s what I am going to talk about

Firstly of all the college of Rogers Hall has an exceptional welcome for people with disabilities, I have seen it myself it is very good, they have like a program for inclusion, they do speeches, have special teachers, and people with a career to help them, and I really like that.

The thing is that is not enough, I mean it is good but I would definitely change some things, like the ramps, they are not that good, the good thing is that they have enough, and if someone with a disability wants to go to the theatre, upstairs, they can’t. Or the cafeteria doesn’t have a special thing if people want to eat there, or the tables for high school, they can’t sit there.

Maybe the school can make fundraising for things like that.

To conclude, I do like the system the chill have for parole with disabilities, I don’t think that it is that bad in the aspect of accessibility, but definitely, we can do better.

Is Merida an Accessible City? By Regina Ceballos Caceres.

Mérida is a developing city, compared to other cities of the world we don’t hold that much diversity and we are pretty conservative. Mexico as a country needs to hear the requests of those who are disabled and need accommodations to improve their quality of life.
People here are not educated on the matter, usually abled people don't respect spaces like ramps and parking spots. There are not enough accommodations for blind or deaf people and we rarely talk about it.

An example of a great place to live or visit as someone with a disability is Tokyo, which has yellow tactile strips that serve as guiding lines for the visually impaired.
Portugal is a diverse country where public transportation is accessible for those who use a wheelchair.
Our city still has a long way to go regarding accessibility. Awareness is key to improving the lives of those with disabilities, we all deserve to be able to get around more easier and be independent, and the local authorities should pay more attention to this matter. 

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2023

Is Rogers Hall an Accessible School for Students with Disabilities? By Abril Tzab Cuevas

Rogers is an accessible school that helps students with disabilities. But, there are some problems that we need to solve.

Firstly, the school doesn’t have enough money to build ramps or elevators for people that use a wheelchair. 

Secondly, students and teachers don’t know sign language so we can’t communicate with deaf-mute people.

Thirdly, some ramps don’t seem very safe for students that use wheelchairs, the ramps don't look well done. For this reason, students can hurt themselves.

To solve these problems, we could do some events or activities to collect money for the school so we can afford some things for people with disabilities.

Also, we can have a sign language class twice a week and also know about Braille language.

To conclude, we hope to collect enough money for the students that use wheelchairs, blind students or deaf-mude students.

Also, our school is very safe for students with disabilities, we only need more ramps or elevators to go to other places around school. For example, the library, the theater or the school bus for trips.

Rogers is save but with more safety we can avoid accidents.

How can we create an accessible and inclusive city? By Guadalupe Paredes Escalante.

Beyond their physical, mental, or sensory impairments, people with disabilities
face barriers to inclusion in various aspects of life; they tend to have fewer socioeconomic opportunities; less access to education, and high poverty rates. Discrimination is sometimes the main obstacle to full and equal participation.
 How can we create an accessible and inclusive city?
An accessible city must guarantee people with disabilities free access to the
environment, transport, public spaces, and information.
This can be achieved, for example: with the creation of ramps, elevators, sidewalks, signs, or information points with the Braille system, pedestrian
crossings or traffic lights with longer duration and sound, and the use
of tactile floors, among other options.

But to make a city more accessible, one must not only think about mobility. Social inclusion and equal opportunities, both physical and labor, social, cultural, or recreational, are also important.

I believe that it is necessary to sensitize the entire society with massive campaigns that stimulate a greater degree of understanding of the issue and solidarity to further help these people to overcome their limits. And we must include them because they are people like us, so they will live very happily.

United we can all help more. Where there is unity, there is victory.

Is Mérida an accessible city for people with disabilities? By Roberto Monforte Angelares

 In cities like Bangladesh and New York the concentration of people is brutal and

disabled people, people from the countryside move to the city, and since there are

no measures to prevent them from putting themselves at risk, there are tragedies,

that is why automation would be an option but not so viable because it produces

smog and noise pollution.

Firstly, the budget of Mérida for disabled people is endless. As a result of this, it

seems to me that is more ramps and progressive buildings, but with this growth the

risk is getting bigger; Millions of peoples are with disabilities and many people are

hoarding properties which it can lead to a real state collapse.

Some areas with economic growth are ending with the plots and therefore there is

a lot of corruption that can be manifested in access for disabled people. Without

having natural barriers, Merida is a prime investment target because it can grow

larger and larger without having any control over its geography or demography,

which can cause agricultural and structural collapse in the wells.

It seems to me that the future of the White City will be uncertain due this growth,

such as the north, are in process of renovating places that can lead to a collapse.

Is Merida an Accesible City? By Elizabeth Loginow Lazzari.

 Merida isn’t the most accessible city to explore by wheelchair, but with a little

preparation by mapping out its accessible areas, it’s doable.

I Agree because cities can improve their accessibility by keeping their

sidewalk repairs up to date. Sidewalks that become uneven or have broken

areas are very difficult for people with disabilities to navigate, whether they

are walking or using a wheelchair.

It is safe to say that accessibility benefits all members of society including

people with disabilities. Improving accessibility increases

the quality of life; creates more independence and better social integration. It

also leads to better health and can result in cost savings in a number of areas.

Several accessibility issues need to be considered when giving access to

your product or service: Visual impairments like low vision or color

blindness. Seizures like photosensitive epilepsy. Mobility or motor issues

like wheelchair users' concerns. Several accessibility issues need to be

considered when giving access to your product or service: Visual

impairments like low vision or color blindness.

Dear Students: In this space, you will be publishing best-written texts. Remember that to get you

The Courage of Zach. By Abril Tzab Cuevas.

The courage of Zack There was a little child, named Zack. He lived in the subway on the fourth floor of a block of flats. Zack was unable to...