martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

Is Rogers Hall an Accessible School? By Cristina Fernandez Maciel

Rogers Hall Peninsular College, a development center with a high degree of commitment to the development of its students and its community, is a school with open doors.

But what about the accessibility for students with disabilities?

Well that’s what I am going to talk about

Firstly of all the college of Rogers Hall has an exceptional welcome for people with disabilities, I have seen it myself it is very good, they have like a program for inclusion, they do speeches, have special teachers, and people with a career to help them, and I really like that.

The thing is that is not enough, I mean it is good but I would definitely change some things, like the ramps, they are not that good, the good thing is that they have enough, and if someone with a disability wants to go to the theatre, upstairs, they can’t. Or the cafeteria doesn’t have a special thing if people want to eat there, or the tables for high school, they can’t sit there.

Maybe the school can make fundraising for things like that.

To conclude, I do like the system the chill have for parole with disabilities, I don’t think that it is that bad in the aspect of accessibility, but definitely, we can do better.

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