martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

Is Merida an Accessible City? By Regina Ceballos Caceres.

Mérida is a developing city, compared to other cities of the world we don’t hold that much diversity and we are pretty conservative. Mexico as a country needs to hear the requests of those who are disabled and need accommodations to improve their quality of life.
People here are not educated on the matter, usually abled people don't respect spaces like ramps and parking spots. There are not enough accommodations for blind or deaf people and we rarely talk about it.

An example of a great place to live or visit as someone with a disability is Tokyo, which has yellow tactile strips that serve as guiding lines for the visually impaired.
Portugal is a diverse country where public transportation is accessible for those who use a wheelchair.
Our city still has a long way to go regarding accessibility. Awareness is key to improving the lives of those with disabilities, we all deserve to be able to get around more easier and be independent, and the local authorities should pay more attention to this matter. 

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