martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

Is Rogers hall an Accessible School for People with Disabilities? By Nicolás Gonzalez Herrera.


Many people study or have studied in Rogers Hall, a great school with a caring community. But after some years of studying there, I asked myself one simple question and noticed lots of things

Is Rogers Hall an accessible school for people with disabilities? It is…but to a certain extent. Let me explain.

Rogers hall has few accessible thins but some of them have problems or disadvantages for example, Rogers Hall has a lot of stairs in many areas of the school, and to help people in wheelchairs they made it so there's a ramp next to those stairs, Good so far. But teres some areas that dont have ramps. To get to the school library you need to go up lots of stairs you might think teres probably a ramp there but there isn't, the same thing happens with the school's theater and some other places, it’s these small problems that make you doubt if Rogers Hall is really an accessible school.

But to make up for those problems, Rogers Hall also has other accessible things like handicapped bathroom stalls, and a lot of helpers for people with disabilities and they always make sure to treat everybody the same, another amazing example I show they celebrate a unique day called “down síndrome day” where they raise money and teach about it. The school has lots of people with this síndrome and they make sure to give the same opportunities, respect, and education as everybody else. And that’s super nice and kind

So in conclusion, Rogers Hall tries their best to be the greatest accessible school out there, yes they have some flaws are and there but it’s only a matter of time before they fix them.

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