miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023

The Role of Technology in Making Cities Accesible. By Juan Pablo León Golib

For the past few years, technology has been very important and essential for our daily basis. It has improved security, ways of transport, jobs, schools, etc., but in this case, we can use it even to make cities accessible for people with disabilities.

Some examples nowadays are electric wheelchairs, electric platforms, sirens for blind people to cross the street, and well-known elevators. All of these make their lives easier, by facilitating their movement around cities without having to ask people for help and really just making their daily routine as normal as possible.

However, the price of this type of technology is even more expensive as time goes on, and depending on it a lot to a certain point that we can’t do anything without it is not a good idea

In my opinion, to make better accessibility for people like this, we need to have a balance between technological and modern facilities and practical ones.

Is Merida an Accesible City? By Luis Emilio Jaimes Reyes

Merida is an accessible city because have a lot of
ramps and centers of rehabilitation for people with
I agree with that but the bad thing is  
that it needs more elevators for commercial  
The disadvantage is that some people  
don’t respect disabled people.
I think that Merida is good  
because it provides security and  
inclusion with a lot of persons

Is Rogers Hall an Accesible School? By Ruben Hernandez Boza

 Rogers Hall is one of the first schools to make their building accessible for people with disabilities however there are some areas that haven't been adapted for people with disabilities.

For example, the library, how is it possible that such an important part of the school isn't accessible yet, anyways, that is an exception because most parts of the school have a ramp for wheelchairs.

However, is it still possible to make it even more accessible? in ramps there could be railing so in case it is too steep people can hold on to it so they don't fall or accelerate, also, I haven't seen any braille in the school yet, so if someone is blind and have to pick up a kid they wouldn't be able of guiding themselves.

So in conclusion I believe that Rogers Hall is a very accessible school in which kids with disabilities can study without getting bullied thanks to the anti-bullying culture the school promotes

Making our City more Accessible . By Maria Greenham Castellanos.

What could we do to make our community more accessible?
650 millions of people live with a disability, which means a
10% of people have a disability.

One of the disadvantages of having a disability is that the
costs of medical help are outrageous, another disadvantage
is not having independence and it’s more difficult to move
around in the cities, some cities are easier to live in as a
a person with a disability like Singapore, Tokyo, London, New
York, Las Vegas and etc… some of the things that make these
cities accessible are the elevators, bigger spaces, more
accessible health care, and special technology like traffic
lights with sound and bigger sidewalks.

The problem is that not all cities have the money to
afford to put elevators and make bigger changes. In Mexico
there are organizations like the Teletón that help people
with disabilities, some other organizations are AAPF,
AMDEM, and others.

I believe we need to bring awareness to this topic so that
society and future generations understand and help people
with disabilities.

Is Rogers Hall an accesible school for students with disabilites? By Emiliano Echazarreta Peon.

Is Rogers Hall an accessible school for disabled students?

Indeed, it counts with a lot of things to help people with disabilities.

For example, the ones that have a disability in their legs have a lot of ramps to make easier their movement. But building ramps is not easy as it seems because you need a lot of space to build them. 

In case you don't have the space you can use the technology to make machines to pass to go up the stairs but in some towns, there aren't those types of tech. But there are people with disabilities that can manage without ramps.

To sum up, everything that has been stated Rogers Hall is a school that people with disabilities can attend to because of their ramps and the students that can help you if you need help.

Is Rogers Hall an Inclusive School? By Dakota Díaz

There are lots of schools in the world with programs and inclusive activities for different children with different struggles, mental or physical. But does Rogers have enough activities for them to feel included like the other students?

There might be some ramps around the school, but that's not all they need to move around, most of the ramps are too steep for them to get up by themselves.

To go to the library there is a long staircase and also to get to the theater and they have to be carried up the stairs.

Some things I believe might help them is the school investing part of its resources to a fund to help make some adjustments in the school, such as making a basketball court, just for the kids in wheelchairs so they can play without tripping over 

To sum up I believe the school should pay more attention to these things.

Is Rogers Hall an Accesible School? By Alvar Catzin Hernandez

One out of seven persons in the world has a disability, in Mexico, there are 6,179,890 persons who have a type of disability which represents 4.9% of the population in the country. Of those 53% are women and 47% are men.

An estimated 75.3% of boys, girls, and teenagers with a disability go to school. At Rogers Hall, there is an estimated less than 15% of people with a type of disability. All kids and teenagers with a disability deserve the right to study that's why the institutions implement ramps for wheelchair people and special teachers to take care of them.

Rogers Hall is an example of those institutions, it has wheelchair ramps in most parts of the school as well as taking care of other types of disabilities, but there are some details that need to be resolved.

To conclude people with disabilities deal with a lot of problems in daily life at schools and other public spaces, as a result of that the institutions which specialize in children with a disability try to solve them.

Is Merida an Accessible City? By Amber lee Bertens.

There are several people with disabilities in Merida, yet, Merida isn’t that accessible. Firstly, one advantage is that there are lots of ramps all over the city. Because of this, people can move better. However, there are places that still don't have ramps or elevators. As a result, people can’t access certain places. In conclusion, I believe that Merida should add more things to make it more accessible.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2023

Is Rogers Hall Accessible for Students with Disabilities? By Thea Zidlicky.

Some schools are accessible for students with disabilities and some  aren’t. So the question is, “is Rogers Hall accessible for students with disabilities?”. And what are the advantages and disadvantages?

An accessible school for students with disabilities have definitely advantages. Firstly the  students are able to move around freely because of ramps. So they are more independent.  Secondly it probably means, that they don’t need so much extra assistance and help. Thirdly  the students with disabilities can move around faster, easier and safer. Imagine there is a fire  in school and all the students have to move out of the school. Students with disabilities can move fast and are safe. can move fast and are safe.

obviously there are disadvantages as well, for example is some equipment for students with  disabilities extremely expensive. Such as an elevator to move to the second level. And not  every school have enough money to buy one. Some other students are really mean to the  disable students and they are bullying the students. That can makes them feel bad and  insecure. An other disadvantage could be that the disable students can’t move to every where  with a wheelchair. For example Gras or fields.

To sum up, for me there are more advantages than disadvantages I think Rogers Hall is a good school for students with  disabilities and in this school they can feel safe. In my opinion it’s good, because everyone can feel good

Playgrounds for People with Disabilities. By Kayla St-Pierre Litalien.

In other cities or even other countries. I'm sure you have never seen a playground for people with disabilities. That's why I think it would be nice to introduce these types of things in our city.

There are disadvantages and advantages to building playgrounds. First, these kinds of playgrounds could make people with difficulties uncomfortable. Making them feel like they're so different that they even have special playgrounds for them. And make them insecure or else. Secondly, they could otherwise feel included and talked about. And make their problems feel less overwhelming.

However, if too many people don't use the playgrounds. It would mean that the city built something useless and spent money for nothing. And could also take place for other projects.

So, in conclusion, I think it would be a great idea to build playgrounds for people with disabilities even if there are negative points.

Is Rogers an Accessible City for People with Disabilities? By Gerardo Herrera Soto.

Rogers Hall has been a very good and accessible school for people with disabilities to be in and study.

Firstly there are lots of ramps in the whole facilities so people with disabilities can move around in an easier way so they can be more comfortable and feel more secure. One other advantage of being in Roger hall is that the school do some activities throughout the year to include every student. As a result, students learn to be more independent.

Because of the knowledge, the school gives you makes the students have more trust in themselves so they don’t have to depend on others. The students of Rogers hall have learned

to be more respectful of others, including people with disabilities, so they support others

However there’s a little disadvantage, the school hasn’t found a way to include people with disabilities in sports. For example, I have been studying in Roger hall for almost 12 years and in the years I’ve been here I haven’t seen any students with disabilities doing sports here.

To conclude Rogers hall has been and will be an accessible school for every student with different needs. In conclusion, I believe that this is a good school to study in

The Role of Technology in Making Cities Accessible. By Zamia Guerrero Amyuni.

Technology is all around the world and has made cities able to be more accessible for people with disabilities, that’s why technology has played a big role in making our world a place for everyone.

In my opinion, all these new methods are very smart and will make people with disabilities not have the need for help in doing their daily activities and slowly develop independence, all along with feeling included in our society. Even though there will always be certain people that won’t respect these methods, instead we should make awareness of this subject.

For this reason, I think it’s perfect that we are taking advantage of technology. Nowadays we can find special lights in fire alarms for deaf people, electric stairs in malls for wheelchairs, and the noise on the stop light for blind people. of course, there are disadvantages to that because what if they don’t work sometimes due to electricity cuts or maybe the cities can’t afford all these expensive machines.

To conclude, you should remember that not everyone is as fortunate as others to be able to do simple things such as “crossing the street.” That’s why we should make this world more suitable for everyone.

Is Rogers Hall accessible for students with disabilities? By Carolina Diaz Gongora

Many schools in Merida are not accessible for people with cognitive or physical disabilities. We are a developing city and for most schools accommodations are not a priority. In this essay, I will talk about how my school is accessible to people with disabilities.

Rogers is different from most schools as it provides good education to a diverse range of students. There are accommodations for the students who need them and we have psychologists and staff that are ready to hear your needs.

One of the disadvantages I see is that it is a private school and not everyone can afford it. Education should be for everyone and the government has the obligation to provide all kinds of people with quality learning.

In conclusion, this essay has helped me to realize that I’m lucky to be in a good school that can help me and my peers.

IS MERIDA AN ACCESSIBLE CITY? By Isabela De Matteis Tappan.


Making proper spaces for people with disabilities is an issue that should be paid attention to, in order to make more accessible and inclusive cities.

Mérida it's a growing city and that means that there are more people with disabilities who need special accommodations to be able to do certain things like cross the street or go up to a building. One of the things that I think this city does well is having ramps to access high places. You can see ramps in a lot of places around the city and this is something relatively new because there weren't any ramps a few years ago.

Indeed there's a large path to go speaking about making the city accessible because there are few sensitive streets for blind people and there are practically no sounds on traffic lights or anything else that could help them to cross safely, also many ramps are in dangerous positions for someone with a wheelchair.

Another thing that many people should say is that making accessible places could be so expensive just to help a little part of the population, that's why I think it should be done slowly, doing one thing at a time (like putting a sound in some traffic lights every once in a while) so with time the whole city should be more accessible. 

Merida’s Accessibility for People with Disabilities . By Regina Campos García.

Is Mérida an accessible city for people with disabilities? That’s a good question, you would think that at this point cities would be pretty much accessible AND comfortable for any kind of people, sadly, that’s not the case.

First thing first, let’s talk advantages:

Most parking lots have a marked spot for people with disabilities or pregnant women.

In addition, most buildings have ramps or elevators. The last advantage would be the

number of programs there are.

But every light creates its own shadow, here are the disadvantages.

The most obvious one is people parking in the marked spaces or overwhelming the elevators.

We also don’t count traffic lights with sound. Lastly, the discrimination these people suffer

is unbelievable

In conclusion, even though we have done a great job this far, but we still need to make

a lot of changes

The Role of Governments in Making Cities Accessible. By Luisa Blandon.

 All around the world, there are millions of citizens who have disabilities or conditions that prevent them from living fully independent lives. They are often in need of assistance from another person to do the simple task of crossing the street. But what if governments could change this?

A government is made to protect and improve the living conditions of its citizens. They should be able to look for ways to help everyone and make them feel welcome in the community. Because of this, is that governments should look for ways to modify their cities for them to be easier to navigate for a person with disabilities.

For instance, they could add ramps to the ridge of sidewalks or on stairs so that it can be

available to someone in a wheelchair or with an impairment on their extremities, Secondly,

they could implement braille on signs and railing so a person who is visually disabled can

guide themselves independently. Thirdly, they could make elevators and doorways wider

so a wheelchair could fit through them. Finally, they could put speakers on traffic lights so a

blind individual can know when and where to cross the street and prevent an accident.

To sum up, it is essential for any citizen, no matter their physical condition, to be able to have

the same independence as a person without any type of disability.

Is Roger’s Hall accesible for people with special needs? By Leonardo Arceo.

Roger’s Hall is a really known school in Mérida, but is it accessible for students with disabilities? Many schools struggle with this and can’t offer services to students with
special needs.

I think it’s safe to say that Roger’s Hall IS accessible for students with special needs.  They’ve invested countless resources for this, and the school is designed to give anyone the opportunity to study there; for example, They built ramps, parking space for wheelchairs, etc., and on top of that the school offers various programs that will assign a special teacher to help the students with special needs.

Unfortunately, everything has a downside, and in this case, it is clear that making this complex device or building special modules is very expensive, and they take a long time to be implemented; for example Elevators for wheelchairs, special ramps, etc. And that’s why some people think this is a “waste of the school’s resources” Obviously this is a selfish way of thinking and I think everyone should have the same opportunities when it comes to education.

 In conclusion, Roger’s Hall is very accessible for students with disabilities, and this fact is already known in Mérida and that’s why parents of children with disabilities choose this school for their children’s education.

Is Rogers Hall accessible for students with disabilities?. By Daniela Alama Romero.

Most schools accept students with disabilities, but not all of them have the right spaces and the modifications of the places that they need, like ramps, elevators, or lines on the floor for those that can’t see.

Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages for Rogers Hall that make it more difficult to adapt the spaces properly. Firstly to put an elevator they have to break walls and floor to be able to put it right and it costs a lot of money. Secondly, they have to see that the adaptations do not prevent traffic of people. Thirdly unfortunately there are not many students in Rogers Hall with disabilities.

However, if Rogers Hall makes all these adaptations, more students with disabilities will enter the school. The adaptations would make those students feel good to be able to be with the rest of their classmates and will be able to do all the activities independently.

To sum up, I hope one day Rogers Hall manages to make all the adaptations and activities so that students with disabilities can be part of all the activities and move around freely.

Famous Cities. By Fernanda Ruíz González

The last month we went to Paris, and we walked thru the city, to a certain extent we definitely liked more Japan, it is quite the opposite.

In Paris, we went to the Eiffel Tower but it’s more appreciated it at night definitely we like more the lights of Japan cause it has just more places to take so good pictures and the food is more delicious.

We ate sushi and more but there was one that caught our attention that is the ramen it was so good and that was like a point in favor of Japan because in Paris the food it was quite opposite, well yes and no, we only ate desserts .

On the other hand, we went to Rome it was absolutely amazing to see all the old constructions but we think that absolutely we would not like to live there, we didn’t like the environment.

Famous Cities. By Valentina Rodríguez y Barbara Ramírez.

Progreso and Cancun  are located in the peninsula of México and they are quite the

opposite the only similarity is that they are both beaches.

Cancun is located in Quintana Roo and Progreso in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Cancun is known for being one of the main tourist areas in Mexico and on the contrary, it´s

Progreso that is better known by the inhabitants of Yucatan than by tourists.

Progreso and Cancun are similar up to a certain point. Cancun is known for its shopping

areas and its hotels and Progreso is the opposite since it is known for its food and its rural


Cancun water is almost crystalline and Progreso water yes and no, it depends on the tide

and the time of year.

In Cancun, there is usually a lot of sargassum, and in Progreso absolutely not.

Famous Cities. By Barbara Ramírez Castro.

Progreso and Cancun are located in the peninsula of México and they are quite the opposite the only similarity is that they are both beaches 

Cancun is located in Quintana Roo and Progreso in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Cancun is known for being one of the main tourist areas in Mexico and on the contrary, Progreso that is better known by the inhabitants of Yucatan than by tourists. 

Progreso and Cancun are similar up to a certain point. Cancun is known for its shopping areas and its hotels and Progreso is the opposite since it is known for its food and its rural areas.

Cancun water is almost crystalline and Progreso water yes and no, it depends on the tide and the time of year.

In Cancun, there is usually a lot of sargassum, and in Progreso absolutely not. 

My Favorite Cities. By José Carlos Ortiz Narváez


When I go to Chicago for the first time it was so good, I saw lots of people and towers like the principal tower names Willis tower it’s a tower that’s 442 meters long when we finished going by the Willis tower we got to the museum of the science and industry, walk to all museum gets all the day because it’s too big and has a lot of games to play in the science area and always have simulators and a ship that’s absolutely big later we go back to the hotel and we sleep because we all tired. The next day we go to the aquarium, and we see a lot of animals very interesting and obviously sharks and dolphins. We go to more attractions like the greenhouse but it’s a lot to say. In conclusion y very like Chicago because are many things to do there and I like the weather it’s cold and there is a lot of wind, but I think that I didn’t come back because it’s the same and I think I get bored easily.

Un grupo de personas en una ciudad

Descripción generada automáticamenteIllinois - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


Miami is known for the places and that there are some towers, also for the beach and the yachts, when I came, I go to eat at a restaurant on a street that it’s known for the beach that was close to there, we didn’t enter to the sea, but we enjoyed, I would go again. I went to a restaurant next to an airport, the people here it’s very good and good I like staying there and knowing about the United States.

Mapa MICHELIN Miami - plano Miami - ViaMichelinViajar Miami: Mejor guía de viaje y turismo sobre Miami 2022, Florida

Famous Cities. By Alejandra Mendoza y Maritere Morales.

Hi, this is a trip list of Maritere and Ale 

Our first place is Disney. Specifically, Disney Florida, USA This is definitely one of our favorite experiences we’ve lived. It’s an unforgettable place, with everything planned, and beautiful decorations connected.

Both of our experiences were full of people everywhere and you can get to see most of the most iconic characters and you can get them to sign your notebook. We both fulfilled at least one of those.

But if you think you’re having a totally relaxed vacation, it’s quite the opposite, you’re going to be walking all day long from 7:00 am to 10pm. And up to a point, it’s exhausting but we both agree is more than worth it.

Some of our reasons to go back are:

-You have the best rides ever

-You are getting new experiences

- and obviously, because you practice your English

2-.Washington, we both went there, on different dates, and had similar experiences. We both went to lots of museums, which was an absolute pain on the feet. Personally, Ale’s mom bought a museum guide and went to half of them in 7 days.

We saw lots of people living their lives and the famous White House.

If you ask if we liked it or not, our answer is yes and no, cause we would love to go back but with a lot fewer steps. 

Now for last but not least is Xmatkuil, this place is more local and temporary it is located in Mérida, Yucatán and this park is only available from the 3rd week of November till the first one of December, it’s quite the opposite of the places named before, this one’s a little less popular and maybe less neat but we’ve heard some stories from people that have been there and they sound funny and adventurous.

I think we both would like it and similar to Disney we would mostly go there for the rides.

Famous Cities. By Diego Herrera and Emilio Tapia.


Emilio and I are thinking about traveling to France, Germany, and Norway on the Winter Holidays

We absolutely want to start the trip going to France we are interested in the Gastronomy we definitely want to eat the famous dish Ratatouille.

On the contrary, we are not interested in going to museums we could take a moment to watch them but it's not our main priority.

Germany is also interesting because it’s a beautiful country and one of the most developed countries with high life quality, beer is one of the most representative things in German

Norway is very known for the beautiful views that the country provides and it's one of the main reasons we would like to go there.

These are the main countries we want to visit to a certain extent, but we could add some more once we get there.

10 spectacular places to visit in Norway - Norwegian Reward Blog
France in Pictures: 25 Beautiful Places to Photograph | PlanetWare
Germany - United States Department of State

Famous Cities. By Nicolas Gonzalez Herrera.

I’ve always wanted to visit cities to explore and find things that we definitely don’t have in Merida like food or toys. I haven´t really traveled much but I have gone to a certain extent of good ones, so here’s a list

Hollywood, Los Angeles, A neighborhood in California.

  • I went to visit a family member that lived there once I have to say, it was absolutely gorgeous and cool! There was a large number of stores and people you can take photos with. I actually bought a small plastic trophy that said,” world’s best son” when I went in one of the stores.

I visited the walk of Fame And I followed it up to a point that my feet started to hurt! I really liked the number of places and entertainment you can see but on the contrary, I disliked the amount of pollution and trash there was on the streets it was absolutely horrible but other than that I had a lot of fun. I would rate my visit an 8/10

Quintana Roo, Cancun.

  • I went to Cancun again last summer, I have gone many times with my family. They definitely love it there! We stayed at a really fancy hotel this time called the “Seadust hotel”, the whole theme of it was basically like a cruise so the whole thing is shaped like one, my little brother definitely liked going there because it had a massive play area with different activities for the whole family like videogames, water slides, golf, and ping pong! The restaurants were really good. My personal favourite was the main buffet the hotel had because they served amazing breakfast and lunch but some of the waiting and lines were quite the opposite, sometimes we had to wait hours for us to get inside restaurants, it was super boring. The room was good and the pools were really decent too. We also explore Cancun by going to local plazas and stores, one of them was the Lego store, it was super cool because we could make our own, and at the end, we went to an aquarium that had cute dolphins  I would rate my visit a 9/10 because I relaxed so much and explored Cancun

Mexico City

  • My family and I visited Mexico city to meet my father’s family, It was really nice seeing Mexico for the first time, it was massive and there were lots of buildings. But we ha to travel a lot to get to various places, we obviously stayed at my dad’s grandparents' an cousins' home, I got to meet my cousins and travel the plazas with them. I even celebrated my birthday there! I don’t remember much because it was a long time ago but I remember having a lot of fun and buying lots of toys. I rate my experience a 9/10

Famous Cities. By Camila Figueroa.


  1. I loved to go to Florida, Disneyland was amazing, the attractions and the games were amazing and so entertaining. I saw all my favorite Disney characters alive, I didn't like the heat. 

  2. I would love to visit Canada. It is like my biggest dream ever, I would love to know the snow and cold, and Niagara Falls.

  3. I want to visit Europe, all places like Madrid, Paris, Etc. I like the weather and I would love to know all the old architecture.

Famous Cities. By Sara Domiguez and Celeste Silva.


I definitely would like to go visit the museum of the Louvre in Paris, also I would like to visit Gordes which is a small village in France. I would like to visit those places because it is naturally beautiful. 

New York 

If I go sometimes to New York I would absolutely visit Central Park and have a picnic with my friends, also the Empire State Building and take a look at the city. I would like to go in winter on the contrary I wouldn’t in summer or spring. 


When I go to Venice I would like to go on a gondola on the “Puente de Rialto” on the opposite I would've be scared to fall in the water. I absolutely wouldn’t visit “Piazza San Marcos” because I wouldn’t like it, quite the opposite I would visit Venice because there it was filmed “Spider-Man 2”.

My Favorite Cities. By José Enrique Canul Quero.

 My favorite cities.

Chicago: When I go to Chicago for the first time it was so good, I saw lots of people and towers like the principal tower names Willis tower it’s a tower that’s 442 meters long when we finished going by the Willis tower we got to the museum of the science and industry, walk to all museum gets all the day because it’s too big and has a lot of games to play in the science area and always have simulators and a ship that’s absolute big later we go back to the hotel and we sleep because we all tired.

The next day definitely we go to the aquarium and we saw a lot of animals very interesting and obviously sharks and dolphins. We go to more attractions like the greenhouse but it’s a lot to say. In conclusion y very like Chicago because are many things to do there and I like the weather it’s cold and there is a lot of wind but I think that I didn’t come back because it’s the same and I think I get bored easily.

Miami: Miami is know for the places and that there are some towers, also for the beach and the yachts when I came I go to eat at a restaurant on a street that it’s known for the people who passed and also that there are lots of people, we walk a lot and then we go to the beach that was close to there, we didn’t enter to the sea but we enjoyed, I would definitely go again. I went to a restaurant next to an airport, the people here it’s very good and good I like staying there and knowing about the United States

Famous Cities. By Valeria Vanegas and Carlos Amaro.

Last summer Carlos and I decided to go to Spain, Italy, and France for 3 weeks…

We had a lot of fun and we would absolutely return because they are all very beautiful places, Spain is located in the southwest of Europe, France is located in western Europe and Italy is located in the south of Europe.

Definitely, our experience was very fun, on the contrary, we would not return, in all the places we stayed we had one of the best experiences; Our favorite places were Seville, Barcelona, ​​Paris, Rome, and Venice. We saw the Batlló case, the Eiffel Tower, the Rialto Bridge, Burano, the Palace of Versailles, and the Louvre Museum.

Carlos and I would return because we believe that the culture and art of those places are very varied and have many customs, and great historical importance, among many other things...

We are very happy to have gone, it was an experience that we would repeat.

An important fact that we would do if we returned is to buy bus tours because to a certain point you eat too much and you get tired faster.

That was our experience traveling and we hope to repeat it very soon.

Dear Students: In this space, you will be publishing best-written texts. Remember that to get you

The Courage of Zach. By Abril Tzab Cuevas.

The courage of Zack There was a little child, named Zack. He lived in the subway on the fourth floor of a block of flats. Zack was unable to...