martes, 21 de febrero de 2023

Famous Cities. By Fernanda Ruíz González

The last month we went to Paris, and we walked thru the city, to a certain extent we definitely liked more Japan, it is quite the opposite.

In Paris, we went to the Eiffel Tower but it’s more appreciated it at night definitely we like more the lights of Japan cause it has just more places to take so good pictures and the food is more delicious.

We ate sushi and more but there was one that caught our attention that is the ramen it was so good and that was like a point in favor of Japan because in Paris the food it was quite opposite, well yes and no, we only ate desserts .

On the other hand, we went to Rome it was absolutely amazing to see all the old constructions but we think that absolutely we would not like to live there, we didn’t like the environment.

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