martes, 21 de febrero de 2023

Playgrounds for People with Disabilities. By Kayla St-Pierre Litalien.

In other cities or even other countries. I'm sure you have never seen a playground for people with disabilities. That's why I think it would be nice to introduce these types of things in our city.

There are disadvantages and advantages to building playgrounds. First, these kinds of playgrounds could make people with difficulties uncomfortable. Making them feel like they're so different that they even have special playgrounds for them. And make them insecure or else. Secondly, they could otherwise feel included and talked about. And make their problems feel less overwhelming.

However, if too many people don't use the playgrounds. It would mean that the city built something useless and spent money for nothing. And could also take place for other projects.

So, in conclusion, I think it would be a great idea to build playgrounds for people with disabilities even if there are negative points.

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