miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023

Is Rogers Hall an Accesible School? By Ruben Hernandez Boza

 Rogers Hall is one of the first schools to make their building accessible for people with disabilities however there are some areas that haven't been adapted for people with disabilities.

For example, the library, how is it possible that such an important part of the school isn't accessible yet, anyways, that is an exception because most parts of the school have a ramp for wheelchairs.

However, is it still possible to make it even more accessible? in ramps there could be railing so in case it is too steep people can hold on to it so they don't fall or accelerate, also, I haven't seen any braille in the school yet, so if someone is blind and have to pick up a kid they wouldn't be able of guiding themselves.

So in conclusion I believe that Rogers Hall is a very accessible school in which kids with disabilities can study without getting bullied thanks to the anti-bullying culture the school promotes

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