martes, 21 de febrero de 2023

Is Roger’s Hall accesible for people with special needs? By Leonardo Arceo.

Roger’s Hall is a really known school in Mérida, but is it accessible for students with disabilities? Many schools struggle with this and can’t offer services to students with
special needs.

I think it’s safe to say that Roger’s Hall IS accessible for students with special needs.  They’ve invested countless resources for this, and the school is designed to give anyone the opportunity to study there; for example, They built ramps, parking space for wheelchairs, etc., and on top of that the school offers various programs that will assign a special teacher to help the students with special needs.

Unfortunately, everything has a downside, and in this case, it is clear that making this complex device or building special modules is very expensive, and they take a long time to be implemented; for example Elevators for wheelchairs, special ramps, etc. And that’s why some people think this is a “waste of the school’s resources” Obviously this is a selfish way of thinking and I think everyone should have the same opportunities when it comes to education.

 In conclusion, Roger’s Hall is very accessible for students with disabilities, and this fact is already known in Mérida and that’s why parents of children with disabilities choose this school for their children’s education.

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