miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023

Is Rogers Hall an Accesible School? By Alvar Catzin Hernandez

One out of seven persons in the world has a disability, in Mexico, there are 6,179,890 persons who have a type of disability which represents 4.9% of the population in the country. Of those 53% are women and 47% are men.

An estimated 75.3% of boys, girls, and teenagers with a disability go to school. At Rogers Hall, there is an estimated less than 15% of people with a type of disability. All kids and teenagers with a disability deserve the right to study that's why the institutions implement ramps for wheelchair people and special teachers to take care of them.

Rogers Hall is an example of those institutions, it has wheelchair ramps in most parts of the school as well as taking care of other types of disabilities, but there are some details that need to be resolved.

To conclude people with disabilities deal with a lot of problems in daily life at schools and other public spaces, as a result of that the institutions which specialize in children with a disability try to solve them.

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