lunes, 5 de junio de 2023

JOHN MARSTON SURVIVAL STORY. By Abelardo Aguiar Gonzalez

 this is the survival history of John Marston 

John Marston was a cowboy who was in a gang, the Van Der Linde gang, the gang was passing through difficult times, this history is from the year 1899 in some part of North America.

They were hiding in the mountains in winter so there was a lot of snow, they found some abandoned houses so they decide to stay for some days. They were short of food so John decides to go hunting alone, John disappears for several days so some members of the gang decide to go look for him his partners Arthur Morgan and Bill start going to look for him.


They look for days and found nothing but on the way back to the camp they heard a scream in the highest part of the mountain. Arthur and Bill decide to take a look, they have difficulty going to that part of the mountains with the horses so they decide to go on foot.

They pass through the difficult part of the mountain, nearly to the cliff to find John on the floor covered in blood with several injuries in all the body. Arthur starts to grab him trying not to hurt him more and Bill goes to grab the horses, they put John in Artur s horse and start the way back to the camp but on the way to the camp they encounter a pack of wolves that attack them.

The horse started to get frightened because of the wolves and throw Arthur, Bill, and John off the horses, Bill and Arthur start shooting the wolves but in the encounter, they both hurt themselves, they win the wolves and head ahead to the camp safely.

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