martes, 6 de junio de 2023

My Survival Story. By Cristobal Sosa Pech


The beach is very beautiful but it can bring several inconveniences that can ruin the experience. What I lived that day is the closest thing to a survival story that I had

I was about 10 years old and I went to the beach on a weekend as I usually did, we got there, we put things down, we settled down and we couldn't even breathe before everything began to collapse, we didn't have water or electricity, we decided to go to the beach to stay there for a while, but the waves were very strong and there was so much wind that the sand was like bullets. We returned to the house and went to see what was happening with the water and electricity at CFE in progress but it turns out that they were remodeling or something like that so we couldn't, we went back and bathed in the pool but when we came back there wasn't enough food because 2 of my cousins ​​who arrived wanted to eat with us, so the following meals we spent inventing combinations of meals to see what we could eat, that day my uncles made a bonfire and we went to take advantage of it to cook some things and it was the first time I tried the melted marshmallows with cookies, we spent all day outside the house until very late because there is a lot of humidity and it was unbearable. Almost like the work of God when we went to sleep the light came back on and we were able to sleep fresher. The next day we left. It was a day that I will never forget because of how strange it was.

That was the only survival experience that I had to date, it was an unforgettable day that I remember clearly to this day, this shows that even if everything goes wrong  something good can come out, in the dark there can be light, you just have to remember to turn it on

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