martes, 27 de septiembre de 2022

The importance of keeping up with the latest technology. By Zamia Guerrero Amyuni

The reason why we should keep updated with new technology is because technology is part of our lives. 

Nowadays our world is summoned by it, science, school programs, hospitals, transport, and various activities we do on a daily basis.

It’s figured that in three decades we won’t even have to control our actions as human beings because of nanotechnology. Which is a scientific mechanism that controls your nervous system by telling you how to behave and interact with each other, like we are robots. Or we won’t have the need to drive our cars since cars will drive themselves. 

It could make our lives a lot easier and faster and you’ll be able to have more time for yourself. It can also be used with solutions to environmental problems, and further investigations of our space. So, technology is not only important as a tool to make your life easier but to improve our knowledge and discover what hasn’t been discovered.



Have you ever been minding your own business when out of nowhere you get a

notification about a new flip phone? Well, you aren´t the only one. People have

always wanted to know the new technology that has come out, but, how

important is it to keep up with technology?

First, let's start by saying that technology is the application of scientific

knowledge for practical purposes or applications

Now, how important is it to keep up with technology? Well, the answer is simple,

VERY. Keeping up with technology helps us not only to see how much

improvement we´re having, it also helps us to acknowledge new ways to find

and apply for a job. New technology also means new improvements in medical

devices and medicines. More research opportunities for new renewable and

non-polluting energies. Lastly, new technology also means new and cheaper ways

of transportation

In conclusion, keeping up with technology not only serves us as knowledge, but

it also helps researchers/engineers to come up with new technology to help

either the population or the planet.

How Will Technology Shape HR in the Future - Great People Inside

How important is it to keep up with technology? By Leornardo Arceo Peñalosa.

Title: How important is it to keep up with technology?

Is it important to keep up with technology? While some people think it’s not, most people will tell you it is an essential element in the life of an individual

The truth is, this heavily depends on your professional career, but every day more and more jobs use top-notch technology. 

Some examples of jobs that depend on technology are programming, aerospace engineering, data science, etc.

In addition to this, using new technologies can help you facilitate your life in many ways; helping you with your daily tasks, building and fixing things, or even just for fun.

So, in conclusion, keeping up with technology depends on the career you choose, but it’s recommended that you check out new technologies and based on them judge if they are worth keeping or not.

In my opinion, teenagers should definitely try new technologies since this will influence their choice of career.

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022

The Importance of Keeping up with the Latest Technology. By Juan Pablo León Golib.

How important is it to keep up with the latest technology?

Some people think that it is better to have the newest phone,

computer, TV or any other gadget. But do they really make

our lives better?

Most people nowadays buy recent technology because they

think that the gadgets that they bought last year or 2 years

ago are useless now but it is not really true. If you have a

phone that still works and covers all the needs and benefits

that you want to get from it, you don’t need a new one!

In my opinion, you should new gadgets whenever you need

them, you can buy the newest if you want to, but if you buy

them every year you would be spending too much money

for nothing.

How Important is it to Keep Up with the Latest Technology. By Julia Lambre de Oliveira.

 Name: Julia Lambre de Oliveira

Date: 09/20/2022

Task #: 5

Title: How Important is it to Keep Up with the Latest Technology

Is it important to keep up with the latest technology? Well, in my opinion, yes. You should. I think that by keeping up with technology you are keeping up with the world because that´s today´s reality. You should update your devices when the time shows up and not just because a new game came up, but because there are many other advantages to doing so. Applications, camera quality, and electronic functions all get better and better every day. I´m not saying that you should buy the latest phone or game console that shows up. But once in a while, it's good to update to something better. 

Most of the time technology even makes daily things in life easier. These days electronic devices help people with basically everything. From reminding you to do things to even helping you navigate through the world. Also, communication´s easier and more immediate. You can talk with people all over the Earth! Of course, there are some dangers, just like in everything else. But if you remain safe and pay attention to avoid such dangers, you can get all of the benefits. It's your choice to decide if you like or not the new technological advances but if you stay behind you´ll miss out on the present. 

The Importance of Keeping up with the Latest Technology. By José Rubén Hernández Boza.

It is very important to keep up with latest technology because most of the time it will make your life easier. Even though new technology is very useful there are gadgets that wont help you unless  you use them to work or for gaming because their capacity of loading things with very good graphics.

For example, computers with very expensive components because you can play with those or help you in your work if you are an architect or designer. Also ipads pro which don’t have anything different from normal Ipads except for the screen size and faster loading speed, you won't use it unless you are an architect, designer, artist or need to draw at work because it isn’t a lot of difference if you don’t do anything of that.

The Importance of Keeping up with the Latest Technology. By María Greenham Castellanos

 Name:María Greenham


Title: The importance of keeping up with the latest technology.

A lot of people love having the latest technology, but have you wondered why it is important to do so? Well keeping up with the latest technology will prevent missing opportunities. And as we know, technology helps us communicate better and to hear about what happens in the world. Technological advances are moving at a high pace. But, on the other side, the knowledge of technology by individuals is moving at a slower pace, here are four reasons why people need to keep up with the latest technology: 1. Stay relevant and stay up to date. 2. Stay organized 3. Improve productivity 4. Career success or career change. It's important for businesses to keep up with these because they make lots of money out of it.

Importance Of Keeping Up With The Latest Technology. By Emiliano Echazarreta Peón.

 Technology is important because it keeps us informed of things that happen or happened in

the world. It also helps us communicate with people from different countries, it has a lot of pros

but also has cons. It makes a lot of things easier for us, for example, Alexa. Alexa is an AI that tells us

the hour, day, and climate, it can also reproduce music and a lot of other things, Alexa is much more

advanced than Siri. On the other hand, we have Netflix, on Netflix, you can only see series and

movies. We also have fans, air conditioning, stoves, cell phones, TVs, computers, and Ipads. To

sum up, everything that has been stated we have got to the point that technology is important

to us. 

AAI: Artificial Intelligence.

How Important it is to keep up with the Latest Technology. By Dakotah Díaz.


Name: Dakotah Diaz

Date: September 21st

Title: How important is it to keep up with the latest technology?

Now in the day, we use technology in our day-to-day life, and not only in electronic devices like smart phones and Ipads, but to make coffee, make clothes, and build structures like buildings and houses, its important to keep up with modern-day technology the reason of this being, it could become dangerous.

For example, while building a house you need to use the proper equipment and materials that classify as technology,  machines need to be up to date to be able to function properly and build a stable project in certain houses and apartments. Due to the modification of the new technology, some electrical currents are different and some things won't connect properly and can start a spark which can lead to an unwanted fire. Therefore, it could e dangerous if we don't keep up to date and be careful where we buy things and what we use them for 

The Importance of Keeping up with the Latest Technology. By Alvar Noe Catzin Fernandez

 Name: Alvar Noe Catzin Fernandez

Title: The importance of keeping up with the latest technology

In my opinion it is important to keep updated with technology because most of the new technology has better options for your choice like a better camera, a bigger capacity, a better screen, etc. Or if you are interested in work there is also technology for that that every  year companies are trying to upgrade for you to have a more comfortable life, but if you aren't interested in those ones there are also for games, new games consoles with better graphics, a better performance system, and new games all better than the last one. Also if you are interested in movies there is also new technology for you with TVs with a better screen and a new audio system only for you to be more comfortable.

How important is it to keep up with technology? By Enrique Cañedo Faller.


How important is it to keep up with technology?

In the modern world, it's important to keep up with the upcoming technologies that keep getting better because the oldest gadgets are not going to be able to open & download apps that are going to be really necessary for the future.

It's not only for phones or iPad, but it's also for home appliances like fridges, eventually, it will stop working & the new ones will be smart & they will have a lot of new stuff than regulars that just freeze things.

Also, technology companies make all the new gadgets with an expiration date that forces us to keep buying new ones.

So, it's really important to keep ourselves up-to-date with the latest technology.

Technology. By Jacobo Campos.


Sooner or later transportation by 2050 would have changed immensely we´re already seeing self-driving cars in the early phases of trial and error so in three decades it's safe to say we should have the technology for true self-driving vehicles.

According to a Stanford University report, self-driving cars would not only reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries but also bring about a change in lifestyle when people don't have to drive anymore. And with the help of electromagnetic levitation, the hyperloop will give people access to a faster, safer, and cheaper source of transportation.

We need to switch practices by favoring more sustainable energy. 

I wonder how the wheels of the cars are going? Will they be removed?

Will cars be able to fly?

Is it actually important to keep up with the latest technology? By Amber Lee Bertens

 Is it actually important to keep up with the latest technology?

Technology is really helpful in several ways, and as time goes by, technology

evolves. You could keep using your old phones, tablets, or even TVs, but maybe the

apps and things that every gadget has won’t work the same as they used to. New

smartphones have new updates which make the phone faster or improve some of

the things the phone had, sadly, this causes old phones to become slower and some

new apps won’t be available. Some people buy every new phone whenever they

come out because of the new apps, updates, etc. You don’t have to do that, but

people do recommend having phones that are ‘’new’’.

In my opinion, it’s better if you have a phone that isn’t slow and that is up to date, it

will help you with lots of things, like work, downloading your favorite games, or even

your favorite music apps.

Remember you don’t really have to buy the newest phone, tablet, or any gadget in

the market, as long as you have a good gadget that supports anything, it’s okay!

How important is it to keep up with the latest technology? By Aaron Alonso.

Name: Aaron Arturo Alonso Gallegos

Date:21 sep. 22

Task #:5

Title: How important is it to keep up with the latest technology?

Whatever you are doing, staying current with technology helps you be more efficient at your job. Staying current with technology trends is important for several reasons.

Finding a Job 

Even the simple act of applying for a job has changed. Many companies prefer digital files rather than paper and cover letters. Keeping updated with tech allows you to find and apply for jobs faster than ever.


Keeping up with technology can prevent your skills from becoming a state. Keeping your tech skills fresh and up to date can help you advance in your career.

Personal Opinion 

In a few words, keeping up with technology can save your life

Indyme, LLC technology >

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2022

WELCOME TO OUR BLOG! By Maricarmen Ramos

 Dear Students: 

In this space, you will be publishing best-written texts. Remember that to get your work published, you must turn in a rough draft in your notebook first. 

Turn in your work on a Word document, using Arial size 12.  Try to find a picture that illustrates your text, and always sign your name at the bottom.  Don´t forget to give an appropriate title to your text, and participate in this blog by commenting on your classmates' posts.

If you are still developing your writing skills in the English Language, you can get sample language and content from the internet, as long as you copy it first by hand in your notebook, and mention the source where you got the information. By doing this, you will be reading and writing in English, acquiring the language that in the future you will be using actively.

Keep in mind that writing is not only an important section of your Cambridge exam but also an important skill you should develop to communicate properly in written form.

I´ll be helping you to get the right words or anything you need to get published!

I´m looking forward to reading your next blog entry!

Your teacher,


Dear Students: In this space, you will be publishing best-written texts. Remember that to get you

The Courage of Zach. By Abril Tzab Cuevas.

The courage of Zack There was a little child, named Zack. He lived in the subway on the fourth floor of a block of flats. Zack was unable to...