martes, 27 de septiembre de 2022

The importance of keeping up with the latest technology. By Zamia Guerrero Amyuni

The reason why we should keep updated with new technology is because technology is part of our lives. 

Nowadays our world is summoned by it, science, school programs, hospitals, transport, and various activities we do on a daily basis.

It’s figured that in three decades we won’t even have to control our actions as human beings because of nanotechnology. Which is a scientific mechanism that controls your nervous system by telling you how to behave and interact with each other, like we are robots. Or we won’t have the need to drive our cars since cars will drive themselves. 

It could make our lives a lot easier and faster and you’ll be able to have more time for yourself. It can also be used with solutions to environmental problems, and further investigations of our space. So, technology is not only important as a tool to make your life easier but to improve our knowledge and discover what hasn’t been discovered.

1 comentario:

  1. Very interesting Zamia, sounds really usefull and trascendental the improves on human beings, the nervous system and behavior; besides the part on the environmental resources. But, I was really glad about cars driving themself, I imagine myself sleeping on my way here jejejejeje : )


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