miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022

How Important it is to keep up with the Latest Technology. By Dakotah Díaz.


Name: Dakotah Diaz

Date: September 21st

Title: How important is it to keep up with the latest technology?

Now in the day, we use technology in our day-to-day life, and not only in electronic devices like smart phones and Ipads, but to make coffee, make clothes, and build structures like buildings and houses, its important to keep up with modern-day technology the reason of this being, it could become dangerous.

For example, while building a house you need to use the proper equipment and materials that classify as technology,  machines need to be up to date to be able to function properly and build a stable project in certain houses and apartments. Due to the modification of the new technology, some electrical currents are different and some things won't connect properly and can start a spark which can lead to an unwanted fire. Therefore, it could e dangerous if we don't keep up to date and be careful where we buy things and what we use them for 

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