miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022

The Importance of Keeping up with the Latest Technology. By Juan Pablo León Golib.

How important is it to keep up with the latest technology?

Some people think that it is better to have the newest phone,

computer, TV or any other gadget. But do they really make

our lives better?

Most people nowadays buy recent technology because they

think that the gadgets that they bought last year or 2 years

ago are useless now but it is not really true. If you have a

phone that still works and covers all the needs and benefits

that you want to get from it, you don’t need a new one!

In my opinion, you should new gadgets whenever you need

them, you can buy the newest if you want to, but if you buy

them every year you would be spending too much money

for nothing.

1 comentario:

  1. totally agree, sometimes technology can make your life eassier, but i dont think you need an update every year... it comes with the needs. Great job, Juan Pablo.
    I thougth i would see you last friday, so i didnt get the chance to say goodbye, hope you had a great summer, i´ll miss you here.


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