lunes, 5 de junio de 2023

My Survival Story. By Nicolás Gonzalez Herrera

When I went camping with my family and uncle when I was 12 years old I had to stay alone for a little while in the woods, this is how it happened.

When me and my family arrived at the campsite we had to set up our stuff like a fire, so my dad and uncle decided to go look for some wood and sticks for the fire. I was staying with my mom but that didn't last long. She told me she had forgotten something in the car, which wasn't too far away so she told me to stay in my place and wait for either her or my uncle and dad to come back, so when she left I was there in the woods alone.

 I wasn't that scared but I didn't like being there alone, especially with all the bugs and flies around me. I was just sitting still waiting for them till I saw something! It was one of those long insects with a lot of legs, it wasn't dangerous I think but I didn't want it anywhere near me so I quickly jumped out of my place scared, while I saw the little ugly thing move slowly I was thinking on what to do.

I got a plan in my mind and started executing it, my plan was to crush the thing with the small portable refrigerator next to me, And I did just that. But no matter how many times I tried to crush the thing it just didn't die, every time I placed it on top of the bug and lifted it was still alive! In one of those crushes, I got a bit too close and the bug was able to get really close to my feet, I was really scared so I let out what I think was a medium scream.

My mom arrived just in time a bit scared as well because she heard me scream. She asked me what happened and I explained the situation, after that she did the easiest and most obvious solution to my problem. She grabbed a stick on the ground and just tossed the bug away with it. I was ashamed I didn't think of that at first but I thanked my mom. Sometime later my dad and uncle came back, lit the fire and we had a fun and nice night there. It's not really a big survival experience but I consider it something at least.

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