lunes, 5 de junio de 2023

My survival Story. By Abril Tzab Cuevas

 My Survival Story (Fiction)

It was March 27th, 2017, around 8 o’clock at night. I was with my mom and my grandma. Our destiny was our house after a long day. It was very cold that day and I had a strange feeling inside, I thought that something bad was going to happen. We were talking about how good the music was, and we were listening to the radio. But then, I heard the sound of a car that was driving very fast and then a said “Mom, there is a car that is driving very fast”, and my mom said  “Maybe is a drunk person or something else” and then I hear a *Crack*.

Then I thought that time stops, I could see how our car crashed into something, like a tree.

Then I remembered that we were confused because of the extreme movement. And then my grandma said “Do we just have an accident? Are you okay?” I was worried because my mom didn’t say anything, and then I see that she was in shock. Then I saw that she had some cuts because of the broken window, and so did I. My grandma didn’t have an injury, she was okay.

After that I remembered that I slept, my mom said that I hit my head and because of the adrenaline I was still awake but then I passed out.

After a few weeks, I recovered and my mom too, I felt very frightened because of the accident but then I felt confident again.

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