sábado, 17 de junio de 2023

WELCOME TO OUR BLOG!! By Maricarmen Ramos García

 Dear Students: 

In this space, you will be publishing best-written texts. Remember that to get your work published, you must turn in a rough draft in your notebook first. 

Turn in your work on a Word document, using Arial size 12.  Try to find a picture that illustrates your text, and always sign your name at the bottom.  Don´t forget to give an appropriate title to your text, and participate in this blog by commenting on your classmates' posts.

If you are still developing your writing skills in the English Language, you can get sample language and content from the internet, as long as you copy it first by hand in your notebook, and mention the source where you got the information. By doing this, you will be reading and writing in English, acquiring the language that in the future you will be using actively.

Keep in mind that writing is not only an important section of your Cambridge exam but also an important skill you should develop to communicate properly in written form.

I´ll be helping you to get the right words or anything you need to get published!

I´m looking forward to reading your next blog entry!

Your teacher,


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Dear Students: In this space, you will be publishing best-written texts. Remember that to get you

The Courage of Zach. By Abril Tzab Cuevas.

The courage of Zack There was a little child, named Zack. He lived in the subway on the fourth floor of a block of flats. Zack was unable to...